HRN 438: Leftovers

This is the show. It starts in a bit, but meanwhile, enjoy watching Gary’s fingers

East Coast Host Gary K4AAQ has been furiously… ok, intermittently… working on transitioning to the new Wirecast computer. He’s not quite done, but that left no time (he was willing to spend) on preparing for this show. So he and West Coast Host David W0DHG chatted for about 10 minutes and called it a night.

This is what we call the ‘promo’. It’s supposed to just tease the Sunday live show. We almost forgot to do that.

If you believe that, you’ve never watched this show before. On Saturday, the day before the Sunday live show, they did a Promo that lasted almost an hour. Those boys can talk. The question is: can you listen. We’ll see.

HRN 438: Leftovers