HRN 476: Back to Bouvet

Adrian Ciuperca KO8SCA returns to HamRadioNow’s David W0DHG, Jim NO1PC and Gary K4AAQ with some awesome video of the voyage to and operation on Bouvet Island back in February, and a Powerpoint presentation with all the details you’ve been wondering about.

The ProMorePlus

In the ProMorePlus (a new show category that Gary invented and may never be heard from again, and perhaps just a ploy to slow down the rapidly accumulating episode count), Gary K4AAQ did a product review – something we rarely do on HamRadioNow, apparently for good reason. Not a new or unobtaniumly new radio… just a lowly ‘FBI’ style headset for his HT. He gets mixed results. He also discovers an old (1980s era) DX Magazine article about a DXpedition that came under ‘enemy fire’ while trying to land their ship (in the wrong place). The ProMorePlus is only on YouTube and Facebook video – it’s not in the audio podcast… sorry.